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Violence Against Women - Regional Snapshot (2020) - kNOwVAWdata

2020 Asia-Pacific snapshot on the prevalence of violence against women

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Decision tree: Data Collection on Violence against Women and COVID-19

This decision tree helps organisations with gender-based violence programmes, national statistical offices, policymakers and researchers decide when and how to best collect data on women's experiences of violence ...

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State of World Population 2020 - Interactive Report

Every year, millions of girls are subjected to practices that harm them physically and emotionally, with the full knowledge and consent of their families, friends and communities. Such practices result in acute and...

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Indian Women Blog Twitter Chat

On 27 April, 2020, kNOwVAWdata was interviewed in a Twitter chat by Indian Women Blog. We discussed how pandemics such as COVID-19 trigger an increase in gender-based violence, and how data on this violence can guide a...

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kNOwVAWdata course: call for sponsors

Sponsors have a unique opportunity to contribute to the collection of life-saving data on the prevalence of violence against women in countries throughout Asia and the Pacific. This flier provides more information about...

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