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Violence Against Women - Regional Snapshot (2019) - kNOwVAWdata

2019 Asia-Pacific snapshot on the prevalence of violence against women

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Violence Against Women - Regional Snapshot (2018) - kNOwVAWdata

2018 Asia-Pacific snapshot on the prevalence of violence against women

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Has intimate partner violence in Cambodia changed in the past 15 years?: A case for an innovative and more robust indicator to monitor SGBV-related SDG targets

This paper provides strong arguments for the use of an alternative indicator instead of (or in addition to) the current SDG indicator 5.2.1. The ratio of the prevalence of IPV in last 12-months over lifetime appears to...

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How many girls are missing at birth in India? Trends in Sex Ratio at Birth (2001-12)

  The analysis covers the period 2001-12 and uses the government's Sample Registration System data to track trends over time as well as calculate numbers missing at birth due to sex selection in India and large states...

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