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UNFPA is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency. Our mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.

UNFPA’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific was established in 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand, to provide a key link between UNFPA’s global vision and strategies, and the needs of the region and programme countries.

Our Regional Office in Bangkok provides strategic support and technical expertise to 22 country offices across Asia and our Pacific Subregional Office in Suva, Fiji, supports 14 Pacific island nations. We deliver policy advice, guidance, training and support to empower our partners and colleagues in the field. The Regional Office also provides leadership in positioning the Programme of Action of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in tandem with the 2030 Agenda and SDGs at the forefront of poverty reduction and development strategies, policies and debates throughout the region. 

Our Focus

Key Results

Sexual and reproductive health in risk pooling schemes

1 country has integrated sexual and reproductive health services into risk pooling schemes

Sexual and reproductive health in emergency preparedness plans

3 have integrated sexual and reproductive health into emergency preparedness plans

Emergency obstetric and newborn care

1 met coverage for emergency obstetric and newborn care

Adolescent-friendly Sexual and reproductive health services

3 countries have provided quality assured adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health services

Health services for sexual violence survivors

3 countries have provided essential health services for survivors of sexual violence

Cervical cancer screening services

1 country has offered cervical cancer screening services

Sexual and reproductive health/HIV index

1 country has applied the sexual and reproductive health/HIV integration index

Midwifery curricula: international standards

2 countries have implemented midwifery school curricula based on international standards

Midwifery curricula: inclusion of special needs

1 country has included needs of persons with disabilities in midwife curricula

Adolescent health competencies

1 included adolescent health competencies in curricula of health professionals

Discrimination prevention in health curricula

1 country has included prevention of stigma and discrimination in curricula of health professionals

Logistics management information system

2 countries have used a logistics management information system for forecasting and monitoring sexual and reproductive health commodities

Sexual and reproductive health indicators available

2 countries have periodically collected sexual and reproductive health indicators, and made them publically available

Patient satisfaction surveys

3 countries have conducted routine patient satisfaction surveys on provision of sexual and reproductive health services

Maternal death notification

1 country has been notified of at least 25 per cent of maternal deaths

School-based comprehensive sexuality education

6 countries have operationalized comprehensive sexuality education curricula in accordance with international standards

Out-of-school comprehensive sexuality education

3 countries have a mechanism or strategy to deliver out-of-school comprehensive sexuality education

Integration of sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth into strategies of sectors apart from health sector

7 countries have integrated sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth into strategies of sectors apart from health sector

Youth participation in policy and programmes

2 countries have developed mechanisms for young people's participation in policy, programming, and peacebuilding

Reproductive rights, laws and policies

4 countries have strategies to align laws, policies and regulations on reproductive rights

Rights of marginalized groups

2 countries have rolled out intervention models or strategies that empower marginalized and excluded groups to exercise their reproductive rights

Multi-sector platforms

2 countries have established platforms for dialogue on reproductive rights, fully engaging civil society, including faith-based and state actors

Social norm mapping

1 country has completed social norm mapping based on UNFPA social norm framework

Gender-based violence platform

5 countries have a national mechanism to engage multiple stakeholders to prevent and address gender-based violence

Data on gender-based violence

1 country has national systems to collect and disseminate data on the incidence of gender-based violence

National plans against harmful practices

3 countries have developed a costed national action plan to address harmful practices

Population projections

4 countries have generated publically available population projections at national and subnational levels, disaggregated by age, sex, and location

Small area estimations

1 country has generated and used small area estimations of sexual and reproductive health indicators for programme planning

What we do

UNFPA works in more than 150 countries and territories that are home to the vast majority of the world’s people. Its mission: to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

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Regional Director

Regional Director

Pio Smith


Mr. Pio Smith assumed the role of Asia-Pacific Regional Director for UNFPA, the sexual and reproductive health agency of the United Nations in October 2023. As the Regional Director for UNFPA Asia and the Pacific, Mr. Smith oversees UNFPA's work in 36 countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
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