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4 December 2012 - 6 December 2012

Bali, Indonesia

Global Youth Forum

The Global Youth Forum, to be hosted by the Government of Indonesia and UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, aims to address issues affecting the youth – including health, education, and employment and livelihood. The forum is expected bring together 850 participants, including youth representatives from each country. 


1 December 2012 - 1 December 2012


World AIDS Day 2012

Every year, the world comes together to celebrate World AIDS Day to commemorate those who have died and to bring attention to the global AIDS epidemic.
Between 2011-2015, the Day will have the theme of "Getting to Zero" to echo the UNAIDS' vision of achieving "Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS-related deaths". A series of events are planned globally to mark the Day.


25 November 2012 - 10 December 2012


16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign

Each year for 16 days, groups from around the world join together to speak out against gender violence.
Violence against women takes many forms: sexual assault,  child marriage, incest, wife beating, prostitution, female genital mutilation, dowry-related violence, trafficking, sexual violence during wars, femicide, sexual harrassment, 'honour' killings, forced sterilization, date rape, pornography and bride kidnapping.  All are unacceptable violations of human rights.

