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4 June 2021

Pregnancy and maternal health amid COVID-19 (including vaccines): UNFPA IEC material

For pregnant women and new mothers, as well as the healthcare providers who tend to them, the COVID-19 pandemic triggers significant concerns. UNFPA... Read more

4 June 2021

Mental health of expectant and new mothers during COVID-19: UNFPA IEC material

Many expectant and new mothers already experience considerable stress linked to pregnancy and childbirth. Amid COVID-19, mental health issues are all... Read more

4 June 2021

Continuum of maternal healthcare during COVID-19: UNFPA IEC material

From pregnancy through childbirth, a woman needs a continuum of healthcare, as does her baby. Amid COVID-19 this is all the more crucial. UNFPA has... Read more

20 May 2021
Press Release

Do you own your own body? For millions of women in Asia-Pacific and globally, the answer is no.

Landmark UNFPA report - My Body is My Own - is a rallying cry for countries and societies to strive harder to strengthen rights and choices for all... Read more

20 May 2021

Moving from concept to reality - achieving bodily autonomy in Asia and the Pacific, and globally

Our Regional Director spells out how we can make bodily autonomy a reality for the millions of women who are denied this fundamental right.

20 May 2021

Bodily autonomy, LGBTIQ rights and climate justice: Noelene Nabulivou's story

What are the connections between bodily autonomy, LGBTIQ rights and climate justice? The veteran Pacific advocate and activist Noelene Nabulivou... Read more

19 May 2021

UNFPA Pacific hands over PPEs and Reproductive Health kits to the Fijian Government

The Fijian Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) received Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Reproductive Health (RH) kits in addition... Read more

19 May 2021

Advocating for bodily autonomy through hard-hitting art: Nikki Luna's story

Philippine artist Nikki Luna uses her impassioned art to champion women's empowerment, including sexual and reproductive health and rights.

5 May 2021

Trust the evidence: Invest in midwives

On the International Day of the Midwife 2021, amid the long-running COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on maternal health, a long-held message from our... Read more

4 May 2021

New report sounds the alarm on global shortage of 900,000 midwives

Fully investing in midwives by 2035 would avert two-thirds of maternal, newborn deaths and stillbirths, saving 4.3 million lives per year.
