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7 October 2021

In India, mobile phone edutainment helps prevent child marriage

“The girl told me she did not want to get married and wanted to study so I did whatever I could to help her."

13 September 2021

PRESS RELEASE: As women and girls bear the brunt of the crisis, UNFPA urgently seeks $29.2 million to save and protect lives in Afghanistan

There is an immediate and pressing need for the international community to step up and respond to the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in... Read more

16 August 2021

Statement of UNFPA on situation in Afghanistan

UNFPA joins the United Nations Secretary-General and the international community in expressing its deep concern about the grave humanitarian crisis... Read more

11 August 2021

Breaking barriers between religion and sexuality education for young people in Bhutan

UNFPA’s partnership with religious leaders has helped break barriers between religion and comprehensive sexuality education. Thousands of young... Read more

11 July 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic may have lasting consequences on population

Our Executive Director's statement for World Population Day 2021 explains why rights and choices for all must lie at the heart of any response... Read more

23 June 2021
Press Release

Australia continues its support to UNFPA to ensure ethical and quality prevalence data on violence against women

Addressing violence against women has long been an urgent public health and human rights priority. Yet, in some countries in the Asia-Pacific region... Read more

22 June 2021

Australia’s contribution to UNFPA Asia-Pacific will help meet the needs of women and girls amid the challenges of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected essential, life-saving services that are central to advancing gender equality. In the Asia-Pacific... Read more

15 June 2021
Girls gather in Odisha, India

Let's come together for bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health rights

On 3 June 2021, UNFPA and International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) convened tenacious and dedicated leaders and frontliners working to... Read more

4 June 2021

Continuum of maternal healthcare during COVID-19: UNFPA IEC material

From pregnancy through childbirth, a woman needs a continuum of healthcare, as does her baby. Amid COVID-19 this is all the more crucial. UNFPA has... Read more

4 June 2021

The wellbeing and safety of midwives and other maternity health workers during COVID-19: UNFPA IEC material

Even as midwives and other maternity health workers tend to pregnant women and new mothers during COVID-19, their own health, safety and wellbeing... Read more
