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About the speakers: 'Hold on a Minute' Podcast Episode 11

About the speakers: 'Hold on a Minute' Podcast Episode 11

About the speakers: 'Hold on a Minute' Podcast Episode 11

Abia Akram is a disability rights advocate in Pakistan. She established National Forum of Women with Disabilities, Independent living Centre with Special Talent Exchange Program (STEP), Ageing and Disability Task Force, Commonwealth Young Disabled People’ Forum and recently assigned the responsibility as Global Chair, Global Youth Council UNICEF-NY, Co-Coordinator, Asia Pacific Women with Disabilities United and Coordinator, South Asia Disability and Development Initiative (SADDI) Project.

Sujata Tuladhar is the Technical Adviser on Gender Based Violence with UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Office. Sujata has over 16 years of experience in programming and coordination to address gender based violence in both development and humanitarian settings. Prior to joining the UNFPA AP Regional Office, Sujata worked in the Philippines, Pakistan and Nepal with UNFPA as well as for Asian Development Bank.