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A Survivor-Centred Approach to Monitoring Gender-based Violence Response Programming

A Survivor-Centred Approach to Monitoring Gender-based Violence Response Programming
A Survivor-Centred Approach to Monitoring Gender-based Violence Response Programming


UNFPA Asia-Pacific


UNFPA Asia-Pacific


A Survivor-Centred Approach to Monitoring Gender-based Violence Response Programming

Publication date

31 October 2024

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This resource is intended to support personnel with guidance on the selection of safe and meaningful indicators and measures for monitoring gender-based violence (GBV) response programming and reporting progress to stakeholders. These measures and indicators must be designed to follow the “do no harm” approach, uphold GBV guiding principles (safety, confidentiality, respect, and non-discrimination, along with informed consent) and avoid providing any basis for survivor identification or staff endangerment, while still ensuring effective monitoring of programmes.

GBV coordination systems bring together agencies and organizations involved in GBV response and prevention to collaborate in maximizing impact and reach, reducing inefficiencies, and agreeing on standards for service provision. In humanitarian settings, GBV coordination bodies must establish “common criteria and indicators for evaluating
progress in the response to GBV” and establish a “common and credible basis for funding appeals.” In development settings, coordination partners are called on to set standards for response and accountability, and to analyze outcomes of their coordinated actions.

This resource therefore includes examples of inter-agency indicators that can be used for safe and ethical monitoring of joint action on GBV response.