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State of World Population Report

State of World Population 2017

UNFPA's flagship State of World Population report 2017 ...

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Technical Reports and Document

National Survey on Women’s Health and Life Experiences 2017 in Bhutan

This study provides both quantitative and qualitative baseline data and information on the prevalence and incidence of different forms of VAW/G in Bhutan, women’s health...

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Perspectives on Population Ageing in the Asia Pacific Region

Where do selected countries stand 15 years after the adoption of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing?    ...

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Ending child marriage in India

Joint UNFPA-UNICEF action to end child marriage in India. 

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Ending child marriage in Bangladesh

Joint UNFPA-UNICEF action to end child marriage in Bangladesh. 

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Ending child marriage in Nepal

Joint UNFPA-UNICEF to end child marriage in Nepal. 

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Has intimate partner violence in Cambodia changed in the past 15 years?: A case for an innovative and more robust indicator to monitor SGBV-related SDG targets

This paper provides strong arguments for the use of an alternative indicator instead of (or in addition to) the current SDG indicator 5.2.1. The ratio of the prevalence of IPV in l...

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Annual Report

Annual Report 2016: Millions of lives transformed

Now more than ever, we must ensure that the marginalized, the forgotten—the ones often left behind—can exercise their fundamental human right to decide, free of coercio...

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Technical Reports and Document

Asia-Pacific Youth for Peace Initiative

The Asia-Pacific #Youth4Peace initiative encourages governments to include young people in peace-building.  ...

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