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Cover of Lao PDR National Survey on Women’s Health and Life Experiences 2014 (summary report)

Summary Report: Lao PDR National Survey on Women’s Health and Life Experiences 2014


The Lao PDR National Study on Women’s Health and Life Experiences 2014 report is the first to provide nationally representative data focused on domestic violence in Lao PDR. This summary report highlights the main findings of the Lao PDR National Study on Women’s Health and Life Experiences 2014.

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Cover of Masculinity, Intimate Partner Violence and Son Preference in India

Masculinity, Intimate Partner Violence and Son Preference in India


This report provides the results of a study undertaken by the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) in partnership with the UNFPA India and Asia and Pacific Regional Office. The study looks at men’s attitudes and practices around gender inequality, son preference and intimate partner violence. The objective is to understand predictors of masculinities and how varying forms of masculinity affect men’s desire for sons and their perpetration of violence against their intimate partners.

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Provisional Results: Census Report Volume 1


The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Government of Myanmar) conducted its most recent census in March/April 2014. This is more than 30 years after the last census in 1983. Censuses are the main source of demographic and socio-economic information in developing countries. 

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Sex Ratio at Birth in South East Asia, with a Focus on Viet Nam


Whereas the topic of Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) has received a lot of attention over the past decade, and a variety of documents and research papers have been written about it, an overview of these writings has not been gathered before into one document.

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Sex Ratios and Gender Biased Sex Selection


The study maps existing evidence on gender biased sex selection in the Indian context, weaving in significant social debates and policy developments, and the way forward on action. It offers practical suggestions to advance research and understanding on the subject by focusing on different areas such as family and household, education, labour and employment, and on institutions that directly or indirectly aid or fight the practice of sex selection.

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The Change-Makers


To promote this goal, the Asia-Pacific UNiTE Campaign Secretariat, together with a group of Asia-Pacific regional members of the UNiTE Youth Network, have developed this regionally-focused, youth-friendly toolkit for peer educators to facilitate discussions on gender equality, violence against women, healthy relationships and positive activism.

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In or Out?


The review analyses 19 National AIDS Strategic Plans (NSPs) in the Asia-Pacific region to determine the amount of attention paid to key populations, particularly young key populations (YKP). More than 40 sub-categories were used for the analysis covering NSP development and review; content and operationalization of the plan; and by key population/young key population. The study drew on existing reviews of NSPs; guidance documents on comprehensive packages for key populations; and the UNAIDS HIV and AIDS Investment Framework.

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Study on Masculinity, Intimate Partner Violence and Son Preference in India


This joint study examines men’s attitudes and practices around gender inequality, son preference and intimate partner violence in India, and offers recommendations to effectively engage men and boys in efforts to advance gender equality.

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State of World Population Report 2014

State of World Population Report

Young people matter. They matter because an unprecedented 1.8 billion youth are alive today, and because they are the shapers and leaders of our global future. They matter because they have inherent human rights that must be fulfilled. Yet, in a world of adult concerns, young people are often overlooked. This tendency cries out for urgent correction, because it imperils youth as well as economies and societies at large. The largest global youth population in human history will have a profound effect on every aspect of our common future.

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Realizing the Potential

Annual Report

This annual report summarizes the 2013 programmes, objectives and initiatives achieved, both globally and regionally, in 2013. UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, worked with 159 countries, territories and other areas in 2013 to help deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

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