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Digital Research on Harmful Practices in Asia


Quit.AI, in partnership with the UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Office, conducted a digital research on harmful practices, specifically child marriage and GBSS, in chosen geographies including Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal and Vietnam. The research includes a digital ecosystem analysis to understand people’s perceptions, attitudes and behaviours around harmful practices; an influencer mapping to identify emerging online voices, leaders and related campaigns; and a digital footprint analysis for stakeholders to provide recommendations that they are reaching the target audience in providing support or information about harmful practices.

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Digital ecosystem analysis on child marriage in South Asia


In the past few years, the South Asian region has seen a sustained increase in information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and access to digital technologies and their usage. Quilt.AI and the UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Office, combines digital research and artificial intelligence to build an effective communication and advocacy strategy against harmful practices such as child marriage and Gender-Biased Sex Selection (GBSS) in Asia. This report examines online narratives related to child marriage in Bangladesh, India and Nepal.

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A gender and human rights assessment of COVID-19 fiscal stimulus measures in Asia and the Pacific

Are governments investing in caring and just economies?


In 2020-2021, the COVID-19 crisis had catastrophic impacts on Asia and the Pacific, affecting economies and societies. It reversed much of the progress made towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), worsening gender equalities in health, education and labour, and increasing pressures on weak healthcare systems and fragmented social protection systems.

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Are Governments Investing in Caring and just Economies? - Advocacy Brief

Advocacy Brief: Are governments investing in caring and just economies?


This report is based on an assessment of COVID-19 fiscal stimulus response and policy measures in nine countries in Asia and the Pacific (Cambodia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam). Between March 2020 and August 2021, the nine countries deployed a range of fiscal stimulus measures to respond to the impacts of the virus and various containment measures leading to the sudden suspension of economic and livelihood activities.

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Session 1: Introduction

Introduction to Disability Data Advocacy Workshop for Organisations of Persons with Disabilities


Drawing in part on the Disability Data Advocacy Toolkit, workshop materials have been developed to support discussion and reflection on disability data advocacy in the local context. Materials were tested and adjusted based on pilot workshops and feedback from OPD partners including potential facilitators and participants.

The materials were developed by CBM Global’s Inclusion Advisory Group in partnership with UNFPA Asia Pacific, the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities for Sustainable Development, the International Disability Alliance, and various regional and national OPDs including the Pacific Disability Forum. This partnership aims to build resources, awareness and capacity on disability data with key stakeholders.

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Session 4: Participants package

Participants package


This document is a guide for host Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) to convene and organise the Disability Data Advocacy Workshop. It supplements the full package of materials for facilitators and participants. The materials were developed by CBM Global’s Inclusion Advisory Group in partnership with UNFPA Asia Pacific, the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities for Sustainable Development, the International Disability Alliance, and various regional and national OPDs including the Pacific Disability Forum. This partnership aims to build resources, awareness and capacity on disability data with key stakeholders.

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Session 3: Facilitators package

Facilitator package


This manual supports facilitators to prepare for and deliver an online workshop on Disability Data Advocacy for Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs). It is part of a package of workshop materials to be used by the facilitator and presents the overall programme as well as guidance on preparation, delivery and follow up. Guidance on delivering specific sessions is provided separately.

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Guidance for Host Organisations

Guidance for Host Organisations


This document is a guide for host Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) to convene and organise the Disability Data Advocacy Workshop. It supplements the full package of materials for facilitators and participants. The materials were developed by CBM Global’s Inclusion Advisory Group in partnership with UNFPA Asia Pacific, the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities for Sustainable Development, the International Disability Alliance, and various regional and national OPDs including the Pacific Disability Forum. This partnership aims to build resources, awareness and capacity on disability data with key stakeholders.

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Guidance on the Safe and Ethical Use of Technology to Address Gender-based Violence and Harmful Practices: Implementation Summary


This resource is the short version of forthcoming guidance that will be fully comprehensive and refer to work at the intersection of gender-based violence (GBV) and harmful practices (HP), data and technology. This summary document is a brief overview of the opportunities, risks and insights relating to potential steps towards creating safe and ethical technology that supports existing GBV/HP programming.

In recognition of the continuous advance of technology, the authors encourage use-case feedback that will allow the document to evolve. Both this document and the longer comprehensive guidance will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, in order that they remain applicable to emerging technologies and their associated risks.

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State obligations regarding SRHR & GBV response during the COVID-19 pandemic

State obligations regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender-based violence response during the COVID-19 pandemic


Women and girls in the Asia-Pacific region have been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic response, particularly with regard to their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and access to gender-based violence (GBV) services. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Asia-Pacific Regional Office in collaboration with the Asian Population and Development Association (APDA) commissioned this research to document state obligations regarding SRHR and GBV during the pandemic as part of our efforts to strengthen humanitarian preparedness and response going forward.

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