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Thematic area


Summary report of the evaluation of the Regional Prepositioning Initiative

UNFPA’s Regional Prepositioning Initiative has been a game-changer in supporting humanitarian preparedness across the Asia-Pacific region. Between 2016-2020 in Phase II of th...

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Technical Reports and Document

Linking women’s economic empowerment, eliminating gender-based violence and enabling sexual and reproductive health and rights

Given many shared objectives between programmes and policies working to promote and advance women’s economic empowerment, their sexual and reproductive health ...

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Technical Reports and Document

Ending Violence against Women and Children in Viet Nam

A multi-country study explored existing examples of collaboration and integration of violence against children and violence against women policies, services and prog...

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Technical Reports and Document

Ending Violence against Women and Children in the Philippines

A multi country study explored existing examples of collaboration and integration of VAC and VAW policies, services, and programmes, as well as challenges and future...

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Technical Reports and Document

Ending Violence against Women and Children in Cambodia

A multi country study explored existing examples of collaboration and integration of violence against children and violence against women policies, services and...

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Technical Reports and Document

Ending Violence against Women and Children in Papua New Guinea

A multi country study explored existing examples of collaboration and integration of VAC and VAW policies, services, and programmes, as well as challenges and future...

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Responsible representation and reporting of violence against women and violence against children

These guidelines are intended to promote best practices for responsible, ethical and safe representation and reporting of violence against women (VAW) and violence against children...

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Use and Adaptation of kNOwVAWdata Course Curriculum & Facilitator Guidebook

This document provides helpful guidance on using the kNOwVAWdata Course on the Measurement of Violence against Women materials, making adaptations for local contexts, and acknowled...

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Fact Sheet

kNOwVAWdata Online 2020/21 Course on the Measurement of Violence against Women flyer

This flyer provides details about the kNOwVAWdata Online Course on the Measurement of Violence against Women, offered in partnership with the University of Melbourne, Australia’s N...

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