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Lao PDR National Survey on Women’s Health and Life Experiences 2014 Fact Sheet

Lao PDR National Survey on Women’s Health and Life Experiences 2014 Fact Sheet
Lao PDR National Survey on Women’s Health and Life Experiences 2014 Fact Sheet


National Commission for the Advancement of Women, Lao PDR


Lao PDR National Survey on Women’s Health and Life Experiences 2014 Fact Sheet

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Lao PDR's National Study on Women’s Health and Life Experiences 2014 report is the first to provide nationally representative data focused on domestic violence. Its results reveal that violence against women and girls occurs across Lao PDR and pervades every level of its society. Many members of society were found to still view the issue as a normal part of life and something women should endure, despite it having a life-long impact on the well-being of women and their children. This study contains rich information and key recommendations valuable for programme and policy development to address and prevent violence against women and girls in Lao PDR. It is also a first step towards a better understanding of the issue, but challenges must be urgently addressed. An immediate response from this study is to acknowledge that violence against women and girls and domestic violence is not acceptable. Its findings will be used to revise the National Plan of Action on Prevention and the Elimination of Violence against Women and Children (NPAVAW) in 2015.

This fact sheet presents the main findings of the National Study on Women’s Health and Life Experiences 2014.


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