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COVID-19 Situation Report No. 4 for UNFPA Asia and Pacific

COVID-19 Situation Report No. 4 for UNFPA Asia and Pacific
COVID-19 Situation Report No. 4 for UNFPA Asia and Pacific


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Situation Report

COVID-19 Situation Report No. 4 for UNFPA Asia and Pacific

Publication date

02 June 2020

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Regional Highlights

With over 207,000 confirmed cases, India has seen a rapid rise and now has the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the Asia Pacific region. Iran, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Indonesia   continue   to   experience   a   rapid   increase   in confirmed cases.

Several  countries  in  the  region  are  responding  to  natural disasters     during     the     pandemic,     including     India, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Vanuatu and Timor-Leste.

In  countries  with  fragile  health  systems,  refugees  and displaced populations are extremely vulnerable. More than

20   cases   have   been   confirmed   in   the   overcrowded Rohingya  refugee  camps  of  Cox's  Bazar  in  Bangladesh, with   the   first   COVID-19-related   death   of   a   Rohingya refugee confirmed.

Cross-border  movements  can  make  countries  such  as Afghanistan,  Iran,  Pakistan  and  Nepal  vulnerable  to  new cases.

Small  island  states  with  weak  health  systems  are  also vulnerable. The Maldives has seen a rapid rise in cases.

At least nine country offices and the Pacific Sub-Regional Office  (PSRO)  are  implementing  activities  tailored  to  the needs of people with disabilities, including customisation of dignity  kits,  development  of  safety  apps  and  accessible information dissemination.

At least ten country offices and the PSRO are meeting the needs of older men and women by implementing activities tailored   to   their   unique   needs,   such   as   provision   of community-based  health  care  services,  customisation  of dignity kits and risk communication.

UNFPA  is  supporting  innovative  remote  and  tele-health service delivery for both SRH and GBV.

While   additional   resources   have   been   mobilised,   a significant funding gap remains. Other challenges include disruptions    to    supply    chains,    movement    restrictions impacting  service  delivery  and  ensuring  services  reach vulnerable migrant populations.