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13 October 2016
King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand (1927-2016)

Condolences on the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej

The United Nations pays its respects to the life and legacy of Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

11 October 2016

International Day of the Girl

On the International Day of the Girl, we recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges they face worldwide.

11 October 2016

Making Girls Count in the Sustainable Development Goals Era

Statement by the UNFPA Executive Director on the International Day of the Girl Child,

11 October 2016

What matters to us: girls put their questions to UN Directors

Girls from across the region sent their questions to heads of leading UN agencies about the issues that matter to them.

1 October 2016
60+ counts: The transformative force of population ageing

The transformative force of population ageing

Population ageing – one of the most significant trends of the 21st century – represents both a cause for celebration and a challenge.

1 October 2016
Astrid Bant is the UNFPA Representative in Viet Nam

Ageing populations in Asia-Pacific: Transforming challenges into opportunities

Asia-Pacific is ageing fast. How can countries better prepare and transform challenges into opportunities? Astrid Bant, UNFPA Viet Nam Representative... Read more

1 October 2016

Take a stand against 'ageism'

The International Day of Older Persons is our chance to take a stand against the destructive problem of ageism.

22 September 2016
UN Free and Equal LGBT Rights Global Public Education Campaign

A #Path2Equality for all: First UN high-level meeting on LGBT Rights

At first-ever high-level UN meeting on LGBT rights, Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon affirms UN commitment to rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and... Read more

21 September 2016
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon rings the Peace Bell at the annual ceremony held at UN headquarters in observance of the International Day of Peace (21 September)

The SDGs as Building Blocks for Peace: International Day of Peace 2016

The International Day of Peace is observed on 21 September. It's a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all... Read more

20 September 2016
From 6-9 September a government-led joint needs assessment was conducted, which included UN agencies, DPRK Red Cross, IFRC and international NGOs

UNFPA helps restore women's dignity in flood-ravaged DPRK

UNFPA DPRK is delivering essential Dignity Kits and reproductive health services for women and girls under coordinated UN humanitarian efforts in... Read more
