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16 August 2018

Lights, camera, action! It's a youth video competition!

The theme: Comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health and rights. The deadline: 15 October 2018.

15 August 2018
Dr Henriette Jansen, UNFPA - photo by Amanda Mustard

The woman who put gender-based violence data on the map

Thirty years ago, Henriette Jansen wouldn’t have guessed she would become a global authority on measuring violence against women. It was chance,... Read more

12 August 2018

In Thailand, an innovative school provides a safe space – and a foundation for life

Comprehensive sexuality education, gender equality and diversity are in the curriculum.

12 August 2018

Confronting the taboo of sex and sexuality to create safe spaces for youth

A young man in China champions gender equality and comprehensive sexuality education to transform his society.

12 August 2018

Supported by safe spaces, Rohingya refugees show off their creativity on International Youth Day

KUTUPALONG REFUGEE CAMP, COX'S BAZAR DISTRICT, Bangladesh - The healing power of art and creativity has been on full display in the Kutupalong Rohingya refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, this... Read more

12 August 2018

From adoption to advocacy

A young gay Filipino fights homophobia to carve out safe spaces for other LGBTIQ youth.

12 August 2018

Let’s put young people at the centre: IYD 2018

None of our ambitious global goals can be achieved without the meaningful participation of young people.

12 August 2018

From the backyard to the United Nations

Youth securing a safe space for peacebuilding in Iran.

12 August 2018

Turning pain into power to create #SafeSpaces4Youth

"As a valiant queer activist, I promised myself that I will be a fighter - not a victim - to support other marginalized young people."

12 August 2018

From vulnerability to empowerment

Carving out a "safe space for youth" amid disaster risk reduction and humanitarian response.
