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25 November 2020

To end violence against women, we must uncover inconvenient truths

To tackle gender-based violence, we need robust data - a key pillar of the UN Secretary-General's global political engagement strategy on GBV... Read more

21 November 2020
Mowsume Aktar, 25, certified midwife at a Bangladeshi Women Friendly Space in Ukhiya, Camp 11, on behalf of the International Rescue Committee

We are frontline GBV responders: Supporting survivors of gender-based violence during COVID-19

Women are bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic in a number of ways. Gender-based violence is one of the worst. But thanks to the courageous and... Read more

18 November 2020
A woman looks out over the landscape in Mongolia

Helping women in Mongolia escape violence and rebuild confidence

When Dulam* first sought help from a One Stop Service Centre in northern Mongolia, she was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The 38-year... Read more

18 November 2020
J. Tsetsegmaa, chief social worker and administrator of Mongolia’s Darkhan-Uul One Stop Service Center for gender-based violence survivors

Continuing lifesaving services for gender-based violence survivors during COVID-19 in Mongolia

As the chief social worker and administrator of the Darkhan-Uul One Stop Service Center, a shelter and service center for survivors of gender-based... Read more

12 November 2020
Press Release

One year after Nairobi, the march continues towards rights and choices for all

Despite global COVID-19 crisis, governments uphold support for women’s and girls’ health and rights, one year after historic summit on ICPD25.

12 November 2020
Press Release

Join Humans of ICPD: An online platform for stories of rights and choices for all

UNFPA Asia-Pacific's storytelling initiative highlights the vision of the ICPD Programme of Action, all the more crucial as the region rebuilds... Read more

22 October 2020

Rohingya Crisis Pledging Conference: UNFPA APRO Statement

In order to continue providing lifesaving services for Rohingya refugee women, girls, adolescents and youth, it is crucial that UNFPA’s activities... Read more

20 October 2020

World Statistics Day: Trusting statistics to tell the story

Statement by UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on World Statistics Day    A statistic is not only a number – it tells a human story. It speaks of people’s health and well-being, problems and... Read more

11 October 2020

As humanitarian crises escalate, so does child marriage. It's time we reversed this trend.

We've long seen that child marriage increases amid humanitarian crises in many countries. Now a study from Bangladesh and Nepal proves that... Read more

10 October 2020

Mental health, gender equality and human rights: An essential convergence

On World Mental Health Day, a reminder of the convergence of mental health, gender equality and human rights - and all the more amid the ongoing... Read more
