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HOLD ON A MINUTE Episode 11: Breaking Barriers: Disability inclusion in GBV programming [transcript]

HOLD ON A MINUTE Episode 11: Breaking Barriers: Disability inclusion in GBV programming [transcript]

HOLD ON A MINUTE Episode 11: Breaking Barriers: Disability inclusion in GBV programming [transcript]

Host Introducing speaker



Today I am honored to have with me,

Sujata Tuladhar, the technical advisor on Gender Based Violence or GBV with UNFPA Asia and the Pacific.  She has over 16 years of experience in programming and coordination to address gender based violence in both development and humanitarian settings. Prior to joining the UNFPA Asia and the Pacific, Sujata worked in the Philippines, Pakistan, and Nepal for UNFPA and for the Asia Development Bank.




Also in our conversation, we have Abia Akram, the CEO of the National Forum of Women with Disabilities Pakistan. In addition to establishing this forum, she has also founded the Independent Living Center with Special Talent Exchange Program, Aging and Disability Task Force, and Commonwealth Young Disabled People Forum.  




Recently she was assigned as the global chair of the Global Youth Council UNICEF New York and as the Asia Pacific Women and Disabilities United Coordinator of the South Asia Disability and Development Initiative Project. 





Hello Sujata and Abia! Thank you so much for joining us here on our podcast and I'm sure a lot of our listeners are excited to hear from you, and especially when we're talking about disabilities and gender based violence and how that all creates a problem or issue in our society today.




To frame the conversation of what we're going to talk about today. I'd like to ask you, Abia, about the characteristics of gender based violence against people with disability. 




Thank you so much. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to hear. And I think this is very important platform to talk about the gender based violence against women and girls with disabilities because from the Global South where I am living and it's really difficult to talk about, first, about persons with disabilities, the requirements from the human rights perspective, giving them access to the justice.




And if we talk about the gender based violence against women and girls with disability, that's more complicated because women with disabilities are not even comfortable within their own identities. As a woman with disability, the society, the culture and all that area, they are not accepted as a human being. And if we talk about the gender based violence, that's another stigma.




And other stereotypes that you attach with that. So it's quite difficult for women and girls with disability to talk about it, to accept it, to raise their voices and it's completely unheard in the societies. 




I think it's really important that we're having this conversation right now because as you said, they're unheard. And I have to admit, as a person who doesn't have disabilities and is not in that community in my country, I don't really know what really goes on.




What are some of the ways in which people with disabilities are put at higher risk of gender based violence? 




Yeah, because we have done that like experience and witness that women with disabilities faced gender based violence four times greater than that non-disabled woman because of their disability, the infrastructure barriers and the understanding about their and the choices on their own body and unfortunately, mostly their family members or the caretakers and some of the close relatives,




they are the ones who are doing the gender-based violence and the sexual harassment against women and girls with that ability. We have seen, like many parents, they pray that our daughters die before we die because nobody is going to support them, nobody is going to provide that support system for those women and girls with disability. 




And many of the women with disabilities who are the survivors of the gender based violence, they are completely excluded from the society. They committed, tried to commit suicide in many cases, and that's really challenging to address the gender based violence against women and girls with  disability. 




And the reason behind is more about the infrastructure barriers that exist in our society: the washrooms are not accessible, all the male have to support them, assist them to go to some places where if they go outside the home. And that's the reason, then if they are inside the home also they are not aware what is happening to them.




Because people don't raise that woman with disability because they are not going to get married. So mostly they are not aware, never being discussed about their sexual health and reproductive rights, never discussed about the gender based violence. 




So that's the reason. And there are many, many layers of discrimination. That's why women and girls with disability face all that gender based violence. 




Sujata You know, when Abia mentions that infrastructure, definitely it's a very big concern. What else are we seeing in terms of additional barriers for women with disabilities and girls with disabilities and accessing support services?




Absolutely. I think there are lots of different elements that one has to think about. You know, first of all, it's really important to note that disability and violence are inextricably linked: with disability, adding to the risk of violence. And also, while experience of violence need to be, you know, a cause or or contributor to increase in disability. 




Now, when it comes to various barriers, in addition to what Abia has shared, you know, women and girls may be subject to a range of medical treatments, for example, without their consent, including forced or coerced or otherwise involuntary sterilization.




And sometimes these practices are undertaken by medical professionals who may claim that they are doing this in the best interest of the individual and their caregivers. In many places, women and girls with disabilities experience violence in the hands of their partners or their caregivers, who may deny their access to medication or assistive devices, or even basic necessities such as food or water or any other kind of basic requirements.




Another element that often doesn't get talked about is emotional abuse, which can be a very significant element so, for example, perpetrators of intimate partner violence or violence that happens between partners or boyfriends, husband and wife. You know, those who are living together. 




There are instances that we have seen where perpetrators may tell the women with disability that they are undesirable as sexual partners or wives, and what's a mother is because of their disability and the kind of emotional abuse and the repercussions of that are also quite significant. 




And linked to that, in many places, women and girls with disabilities are often excluded from women's groups or activities or, you know, convenings, meetings, etc. where information about existing services regarding, you know, gender based violence or awareness raising initiatives, etc., are conducted, disseminated. So that becomes quite a bit of a barrier for them to access that information. 




And then the last point I like to make here is about the negative attitudes and harmful stereotypes about disability held by family members or community members, and sometimes even those whose job it is to support survivors of gender based violence.




And that can be very significant barrier for women and girls with disabilities who are experiencing violence. You know, some assume that women and girls with disabilities, particularly those who have intellectual disabilities, are asexual or not capable of having a consensual sexual relationship and as a result, do not have any sexual and reproductive health needs. 




Sometimes those who are working in the health service or police or justice or legal services or shelter operators, for example, assume that, you know, women and girls with disabilities cannot participate in the same activities as other women and girls, and therefore they just completely exclude them from the very get go.




So, you know, there are lots of these elements where we may not be thinking about them from a very logical perspective, but they're, you know, they take place in an everyday environment. 







What I think that what you've said definitely has given us a just a glimpse of what is such a complicated situation that we're seeing for women and girls with disabilities. 


Host transition to Story



So to get more in-depth view of what's going on on the field, let us take a break now and listen to a short story about the situation that women and girls with disabilities go through when it comes to gender based violence.


Feature Story - Breaking Barriers



My name is Aiva and I’ve been a nurse here at the district health centre for 15 years. 15 years of patient numbers going up and resources staying the same. Scrubbing my hands in the sink I glance at the clock. Just 15 minutes left of my shift. 




After I leave this afternoon, my colleague Dulce is here alone for the afternoon til Paula comes in at 6pm.




Drying my hands I glance around the crowded room to my next - and last for today! - patient. A woman was sitting holding her hand which was blistering from a large, red burn. 




I recognise her. She has a physical disability and she struggles to talk. She has been here before. Was it last week? And then again, not long before that? 




A man was standing beside her. Looking…concerned? No. Nervous?




I glance again at the clock. I could put a dressing on that burn right here in the ward and send her home. Or I can ask them to wait and Dulce can ask the pair for some more details. 




But no, I can stay a short while longer if it means I can speak privately with this woman about her repeated injuries. We don’t have many private spaces here at the hospital but the delivery room is empty right now. It will do. We need to be creative in creating a private space when resources are limited.




I approach the pair. 


“It is quite busy here,” I say. “I’d like to have a look at that burn somewhere more quiet. Would you like to follow me to a more quiet space?”




The woman stands up. The man moves to follow us but I politely ask him to stay. I am anxious - will he insist? We have had men become aggressive here before. It can be risky for us trying to speak to women in private. I am relieved when he sits down and the woman and I walk to the delivery room. 




“My name is Aiva,” I say. “You’re here with your brother?”


The woman nods.


“If you don’t mind, can I ask you a bit about whether you are experiencing any difficulties at home?”


The woman nods. Whether to disclose violence or not is a very personal decision and it is not my role to pressure her. It is her right to decide if and when to talk about it with someone. 




I take care of her wound. I tell her: “Many women experience problems with their husbands or family members, and this is not acceptable. There are services in our area that can provide support to women that are experiencing problems at home”. 




I give her time and I do my best to know that she fully understands this information. I had long stopped looking at the clock. 




When she communicates to me that she wants to go back home this afternoon, I set up a follow-up appointment. I tell her she can always find me or one of my colleagues here at the hospital, at any time, whenever she needs it. 




Supporting survivors of violence can be difficult and even frustrating at times, I wish I could do more to help these women. But I know that what matters is always that their wishes are respected and that they are always placed at the center of every action and decision. 




By treating them with empathy and respect and informing them of options of support available, as a health care provider I can make the difference in their life.



‘Hold on a minute, a podcast series by UNFPA Asia and the Pacific.’





Okay. That is definitely a story that is interesting and a concern for our conversation as we talk about the fact that women and girls with disabilities often face additional challenges and barriers in accessing GBV services or gender based violence services. Service providers do need to recognise and remove these barriers where they see them. 




Sujata, what can we do to make sure that interventions address gender based violence and they're more inclusive of the needs of women and children, or rather girls with disabilities?




Yeah, thank you for that. So I want to point out that at the moment we have currently at the global and regional level several international conventions and strategies and guidelines that hold governments accountable to their obligation to act against the multiple intersecting forms of discrimination faced by women, girls with disabilities, and to create an environment where, you know, they have access to all services equally.




However, in reality, that's far, far from reality. UNFPA has a disability inclusion strategy, which really looks at a whole of institution framework for the organization to advance the rights of persons with disabilities throughout its mandate areas, and one of which is to eliminate gender based violence. 




And with regards to ensuring this meaningful disability inclusion in gender based violence response programming, what we have found is that it is crucial that we adopt a twin track approach.




By that, what we mean is to ensure that there is a mainstreaming of disability inclusion, understanding of disability in all the existing programs, while also having activities or initiatives that are specifically targeted to support persons with disability. 




Now, when it comes to particularly making sure that interventions to address gender based violence are more inclusive to the needs of women and girls with disabilities, the first thing that I think we need to really think about is to demystify this concept or this notion that to address or to support the survivors with disabilities.



We have to have a separate, you know, program or a project or an initiative, which we are really advocating here, is to ensure that existing response services, whether it is through police or health workers or shelter or psychosocial counseling, legal work, etcetera, the disability inclusion should be incorporated and embedded across all these sectors as part and parcel of how support to gender-based violence survivors are provided. 




And to do so, we need to really address these negative attitudes and beliefs and norms that are very integrated into many of us in our communities, and to really ensure that they're able to provide the support that they're meant to provide.




At the same time, the other element is to meaningfully engage with organizations of persons with disabilities throughout any program design process. So this includes, you know, consultations with persons with disabilities to identify what barriers they face in accessing existing services, what are the gaps in services, but also to seek their advice on how these barriers can be overcome.




So this meaningful engagement is really crucial throughout the design and implementation of any kind of gender based violence. Response programing. 




We also have a lot of gap when it comes to data on violence against violence experienced by women, girls with disabilities. So strengthening the investment in collecting the data when it comes to the magnitude of the problem faced by women and girls with disabilities who experience violence, but also the service data, that data from various service areas which will allow us to have much more evidence informed programing is really crucial.




And finally, focusing on strengthening the capacities of those who are supporting survivors of gender based violence is crucial. As I said, this means health care workers, counselors, shelter operators, hotline operators, police, legal staff, etc. It's crucial that they have the appropriate knowledge, attitudes, skills for them to be able to provide the timely and quality support to survivors of disabilities.




Oftentimes, these are life saving services, and once we miss that opportunity to provide that service, there might never be an opportunity to meet them again. So to be able to support them at any point of contact with a survivor or with disability, they have to be ready. And this concept of supporting survivors with disabilities has to be integrated across all the different sectors. 




There's a lot that needs to get done, doesn't it? Is it? SUJATA And, you know, and we talk about the communities or the people that are, you know, the areas where these incidents happened. A lot of it is due to the fact that you have these discriminatory attitudes, beliefs, norms and structures that promote or condone discrimination based on gender and disability.




And so overall, it's is very deep. You know, in terms of how this problem or this discrimination is rooted on. So, Abia, what are some of the promising practices in the region on how to tackle these harmful attitudes, beliefs and norms relating to gender and disability? 




Thank you so much. And I think it's true that I have already mentioned about the policy and including the strategy in which we talk about the UNFPA, the strategy to address the gender based violence against women and girls with disability.




We are talking about 10 to 15% of the total population, of which like 50% of them are women and girls with disability and more than 80% in the world regions where they have very limited understanding information. And if we talk about the disastrous situation, then the discrimination and the challenge is increased a lot. 




We just want to first off example for Pakistan, what we have done with UNFPA about talking and taking a journey together, because that was the first time we were talking about the gender based violence.




But at the same time we have also practiced approach in the country level. Like we talk about the real stakeholders in collaboration with the government, because if we do individually, that's only one time activity. But we want to create an ecosystem which is responsive and addressing the needs of those women and girls with disability. 




So what we did, like we started on the demand side that creating the awareness to women with disabilities for women with disability. So we started that I go to call support system to provide all over the country that woman with disability can talk about the gender based violence to creating the awareness. 




And on the other hand, we were working with the police department, the health department, the medical legal and also the GBV, and the lawyers. So we like, on one side, we were creating it, talking about the demand and raising about these rights. 




And on the other hand, the service providers are more inclusive and responsive to the needs of women and girls with disability. And in that way it helped us a lot to create that accessible pathways, because if you go and conduct one time activity or talk about it, it's not possible because it took us real interventions from the grassroots level to the regional.




And then on the national level, we also engaged a provincial regional government in it because they are understanding their commitment was really working to see that people would change their status in relation to the households and the community engagement. 




We have seen like organizations or persons with disability, they have the data, they have the knowledge, they know we are putting woman with a disability that existing how to talk about that.




So we engage at all level the organizations, all the persons with disability and particularly women with disability to talk about it and give this interventions have given them the opportunity to share and provide that knowledge about the survivors with the disability. 




So that I already mentioned about the health concern that we have witnessed. Many women who have intellectual disabilities, they got pregnant during the flood response and earthquake response and they took them to the hospital because the mothers and the parents with the domestic workers too, they don't have any other option.




And the only solution they were giving was the forces that they should because not acceptable for any woman with disability. And these kind of relations and the norms need to be changed systematically. 




Because if we just empower the woman with disability, that's not the solution. So it's important to have that equal accessible system and the referral pathways. And that I think was a clear point for us to take this as a responsibility from the state and making the existing services more inclusive and responsive for women and girls with disabilities.




So it's much more than just providing ramps and, and, and lifts, right? 




We also did some of the assessments which we have developed in collaboration with UNFPA to talk about the assessment of those services providers that how we can make that accessible from the Gender-based violence survivors perspective. And at the same time, infrastructure to voice all kind of disability wise.




And these tools for the assessment that really help us to understand the whole context, what are the gaps that got existing and how to systematically address that. 




One of the things that you mentioned both of you is the importance of engaging and really understanding the situation for women and girls with disabilities. So when we take a look at engaging with organizations of persons with disabilities appropriately, what is the right way of going about and doing this? Why is this important again, to to make this happen and to have promising examples in the region, Abia? 




I would say like it was again, very important to have the capacity building of the organizations of persons with disability, because when we started the work, we were the only organization of persons with disability, to be the implementing partner of any of the UN agencies.




So UNFPA have taken that leadership in that by engaging the VRA and the meaningful participation of the organizations opposite disability. So we build the strengths and the capacities supported them to more established in the way that the advocacy see their work and influence to the global and also the regional perspective. So when we started with the Disability Rights Act, they were the one organization of persons with disabilities who were talking from their own lived experiences.




They were the one who bringing that voices and experiences of the challenges they are facing. And that I think it's very important, like why we need to work in collaboration. Because if you talk, they are always like to even talk. I hope they can working for the right of disability. 



But we are talking about also the right of the voice of disability so that the organization led by persons with disability and women and girls with disability and I feel like they are the best advocates of debate because when we talk about the Sustainable Development Goals, when we talk about the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability, all that reading review and the CEDAW and all that commitments that have clearly mentioned about the engagement of the organizations opposition with disability. 




Well, the other thing I want to highlight here about the PSC is that the engagement, sexual harassment workplace policies that also need more consultation references is in the context of engaging women and girls with disability so we can provide that safer space to them.




Talking about that and in what ways they can create that environment which is more accessible and responsive. 




That's a lot. You know, I think from our conversation I can say it's a lot of things, but we really do need to make sure go right. And there's a lot of loopholes or a lot of chances that mishaps can happen.




And when we ever talk about any campaign on our program or a podcast series, there are always challenges. Sujata, can you talk a little bit about the challenges that you are facing right now on the ground and how we can accelerate efforts to further enhance the inclusion of women and girls with disabilities? 




Yeah, thank you. I mean, there are challenges as several, right? But one of the things that building on what Abia mentioned, one of the things that I'd like to highlight is to not burden organizations of persons with disabilities, to also then be the survivor service providers or those who are supporting survivors. 




They can be companions, they can be supporters of those who are experiencing violence, but not also to make them responsible, to support the necessary counseling or health or legal support that to make a distinction and accountability that those, you know, or sectors that are responsible to provide the life saving, timely support to survivors are the ones who have the skills and knowledge to provide that service.




I think that lack of that distinction, we see that a lot on the ground where when we see any kind of new initiative or, you know, projects to support disability inclusion, there's an overbook burdening of organizations, of persons with disability to do the advocacy, to raise awareness, to create that kind of a space, then also support survivors. 




But that's, if you like, there needs to be more for shared accountability for the sectors that are responsible to support survivors, to also take that ownership, that they should be disability inclusive in the way that they support survivors, right?




So that is one point I feel. There's also, as you mentioned, there are lots of, you know, promising practices, but the scale up of those promising practices are still lacking. We don't have, we don't see, a lot of that. What we would love to see is to be able to understand how can we really ensure that these investments are made sustainable. 




How can we really make sure that they're part and parcel of government policies and programs so they're not dependent on, you know, a one or two year long initiatives that they can really become, you know, a government owned, sustainable initiative.




So all those things continue to remain major, major challenges. And sometimes we also see a lot of services when it comes to disability pensions. 




Now there is a lot of progress that has been made to strengthen the inclusion of women and girls with disabilities. Now, many challenges and gaps still persist, though. So, Sujata, can you talk about or explain the challenges that we have right now, and how can we accelerate efforts to further enhance the inclusion of women and girls with disabilities?




So building on the challenges that we spoke about earlier at UNFPA, Asia Pacific Region offices, Regional Office, we have invested in developing a few tools in collaboration with our country offices, as well as organizations with persons with disabilities to really ensure that the split inclusion is part of all our Gender-based violence response and prevention programing.




So the first tool is a tip sheet on disability inclusion, and that really walks through any GBV programmers through the various stages of their GBV programming process. So whether it's planning or implementation or monitoring. So some examples of that would be in planning, making sure that we are reviewing the legal and policy frameworks on disability and GBV and ensuring that the established partnership with inclusive civil society organizations or making GBV assessments and consultations on disability inclusion.




Similarly in implementation, you know, setting standards on access and inclusion for any kind of GBV response, ensuring that there's integrated disability into any kind of training or capacity building, for example. 




And finally, in monitoring, ensuring that any collection or analysis of data has disability, disaggregation is part and parcel of how it's collected and analyzed. Setting indicators on disability inclusion for TV programing and developing an action research or module that really looks into the learnings from a disability inclusion perspective.




The other tool that we have developed is a disability inclusion assessment tool which is designed for all frontline responders to flood survivors of gender based violence. The example those who are delivering health or justice and policing or social support services have the assessment tool to understand whether these services are meeting the standards on access and inclusion for women and girls with disabilities, and to also help identify any gaps or track improvements in the way the services are delivered over a period of time.




To some of the examples of the questions that I understand this assessment tool would include accessibility on availability and prioritizing safety, looking, making sure that there's informed consent and confidentiality, data collection, etc. and the idea is really that these this tool will help and guide answering questions about how to make sure that our programs are accessible, inclusive, responsive to the needs and barriers faced by women and girls with disabilities, and evolving, as well as documenting the learnings as we implement these programs.




And sadly, we are at the end of our conversation. But I really would like to give the opportunity to both of you, Abia and Sujata, to give us a glimpse or basically get down to the point that people really need to know about this contradicting or the situation that we're seeing here where, you know, we have that alertness that we should give the right equal opportunities for women and girls with disabilities to have that the resources that they need to deal with that, you know, gender based violence.




But at the same time, things aren't possibly, you know, moving as fast as they should be. Abia, Sujata, can you just tell us what we should know or what the listener should know right now about the situation, Abia?




Yeah. Thank you so much. And I feel like I'll just link it with like bombers and barrel about the Sustainable Development Goals because we are still not on the track.




And the reason behind is the women and girls with disability. That's the huge number still untapped, still missing from the development from the sustainable perspective because of all the challenges and especially the gender based violence they are facing. 




They need that equal opportunity and I think that's possible if we have the segregation of the specific data. What and how we are using that data by providing them the safe space understanding.




And secondly, about the allocation of the budget, because if we will not incorporate that in our programs, in our projects, in our activities as a sustainable perspective and also including them in the meaningful way, then we will not be able to achieve the dignified life, which women and girls with disability is required at the moment. We cannot see another decade to see that change




And we cannot wait to see the all the policies will be equal and provide that support. But we need to take the actions now and the actions of the State, the actions of the UNFPA, actions of the organizations of persons with disability and all the service providers. 




Because we cannot do it alone. It's stakeholders commitment, engagement and the proper implementation of that sustainable plan where we can see that the survivors with the disabilities are enjoying their lives and getting equal support system and that gender based violence is properly addressed in the way that we, the women who are facing this discrimination and the challenges they are not like in the same situation.




They have to be living a dignified life where they can support their own life and at the same time their families and the overall perspective of the development. So this is very important how we collectively taking the actions and talking about the inclusion of women and girls and disability. Thank you.




Well said. Sujata?




For me, having worked in this area for a few years now, one of the things that comes very strong in my head is to really always remember that disability inclusion in gender based violence programing is a journey and not a one time event.




So any investment needs to go beyond a one time training session or an activity or, you know, one big event. It really has to be systematically integrated into our organization standards, quality assurance measures and the full comprehensive programing. 




So having said that, that also leads me to advocating with government and organizations to allocate sufficient budget and really invest in gender based violence prevention and response with a very, very clear recognition and understanding that these response services need to be bringing in the perspective of women and girls disabilities and their very nuanced experience of gender based violence



And that requires a engagement with organizations of persons with disabilities in a meaningful way across the various programing cycle and really understanding that the accountability is on all of us to make sure that those experience violence do not get further exacerbated or experience further traumatization because the service provision are not of quality or are not survivor centric. Thank you.




Thank you so much to the both of you for sharing with us your work and also what we are really need to be alert about in terms of the situation on the ground. Thank you so much for taking the time to know. Give us an insight into what the challenges are and hopefully from our conversation today in our episode, these women and girls with disabilities will truly get the dignity that they deserve in their lives. Thank you.


Host Conclusion



This has been the latest episode of “Hold on a Minute!” by UNFPA Asia-Pacific.  We hope you have gained an insight into the process of gathering data of gender-based violence in the Asia-Pacific region.



For more insightful episodes of “Hold on a Minute!” by UNFPA Asia-Pacific, follow our podcast pages on Spotify, Facebook, YouTube, and Apple Podcast. Just search for  UNFPA “Hold on a minute”.

See you in our next episode!