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The Connect Effect: Tools for Integration of HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health with Key Populations

The Connect Effect: Tools for Integration of HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health with Key Populations


The Connect Effect: Tools for Integration of HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health with Key Populations

calendar_today 27 July 2016


UNFPA and APMGlobal Health have been working together in Asia and the Pacific to help national health programmes and communities  better meet the needs of the people most affected by HIV by integrating HIV and sexual and reproductive health efforts.

We have done this through a series of tailor-made national workshops at country level, bringing together policy-makers, health planners, health service providers, community organizations and people from the populations most affected by HIV in the region – sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender people and people who use drugs.

People from key populations have a range of inter-connected health needs and priorities. Programmes and services that only look narrowly at preventing and treating  HIV miss the opportunity to engage people in other areas of concern to them – sexual health, choice about pregnancy, reproductive health, safety from violence, financial security and overall wellbeing.

This site collects together all of the materials used in this process so that you can explore ways to improve the health and realize the rights of key populations.

It will be updated to share countries’ practical experience of ‘what works’ in effective HIV and SRH integration from our work and from other partners. Join us in building a platform for sharing experience as we learn by doing.