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Smiling girl
ROI-T: Invest in her helps you calculate the expected business benefit from investment in health programs for women workers.
Women workers’ health matters to your business
Evidence Backed Algorithm
This tool has been created as a result of a systematic review focusing on the return on investment as the outcome variable of providing SRH interventions in the factories, and its corollary variables like impact on absenteeism, staff turnover and productivity.

Sanitary Pads

Free Sanitary Pads to improve menstrual health and hygiene, reduce reproductive tract health issues and boost employees’ productivity

SRH Training

Company-based employees’ training on Sexual and Reproductive Health, to boost awareness and information on SRH issues and improve employees’ engagement

Subsidised SRH Training and Products

Mobile clinics regularly providing training, information and essential SRH services and products to employees in the factory/company

Peer Outreach

Training selected employees as Peer Educators, increasing awareness and information on sexual and reproductive health and services amongst their fellow co-workers and boosting employees engagement

Set Up Factory Clinic

Set up a factory-based health clinic, providing access to counseling and essential SRH service provision - from family planning information, to STIs management and to pre- and post-natal check ups

Free Iron Tablets

Testing women employees for anaemia, a serious public health concern, and offering free iron tablets to address the condition and improve women’s health and productivity

Life Skills Training

Factory-based training on various issues, from health and well-being to safety and occupation health, to empower employees and improve their engagement at work

Read Our Story

ROIT is a part of the UNFPA-managed Expanded Business Action for Family Planning (E-BAFP) program.

About the Tool

This Return on Investment (ROI) Tool was developed by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Regional Office for Asia Pacific, to help businesses and companies understand the potential impact of implementing different health or health-related programmes for their workforce. The ROI Tool helps companies in making the business case for investing in workers’ health and well-being, demonstrating that this will not only improve the health of their workers, but will also strengthen businesses’ productivity and return-on-investment.

The ROI Tool is used to estimate the economic value for an individual company to invest in sexual and reproductive health programmes in the workplace, and provides economic estimates of the monetary benefit of investing in such programmes. The Tool advocates for the realization of sexual and reproductive rights of workers, the provision of services to tackle anaemia and improve menstrual health, as well as to reduce unmet need for family planning, because these changes can enhance the livelihoods of women and improve their health, not just because they can provide economic returns for businesses.

By showing that companies can reap positive economic returns, the ROI Tool strengthens the business case for private investments in sexual and reproductive health and rights, leading to a healthier, more empowered workforce.

 Fahim Tajrin
© Photo Credits: UNFPA Bangladesh/Fahim Tajrin

The United Nations Population Fund is the UN’s sexual and reproductive health agency, working in over 150 countries to end maternal deaths, unmet need for family planning, and gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and girls. UNFPA’s mandate is grounded in gender equality and human rights, guided by the Programme of Action forged at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).UNFPA’s Asia-Pacific Regional Office covers 22 countries in Asia and 14 countries in the Pacific.

UNFPA works with governments and partners to promote universal access to quality, integrated sexual and reproductive health services. UNFPA also works to strengthen health systems, train health workers, educate midwives and improve access to the full range of reproductive health.

By 2030, UNFPA aims to:

End Unmet Need for Family Planning
End Preventable Maternal Deaths
End Gender-Based Violence and Harmful Practices

Find out more about our programmes and the countries where we work in here

The Programmes

This Return on Investment (ROI) tool will help you build a business case for implementing health or health-related programmes for employees in your factory/company, particularly women employees of reproductive age. Using the ROI Tool will guide you in choosing an intervention which best suits your workers’ welfare objectives - please read more about the available programmes below.

Programme icon
Sanitary Pads
CATEGORY Menstrual Health

In this programme, free sanitary pads are distributed by the company/factory to women of reproductive age (18-50 years old). The provision of sanitary pads has been demonstrated to improve menstrual health and hygiene, leading to reductions in reproductive tract infections and other health issues. The use of sanitary pads also improves participation in work activities and reduces absenteeism due to menstrual health issues.

Programme icon
Sexual Reproductive Health Training
CATEGORY Sexual and Reproductive Health

As part of this programme, a training for employees is organised by the factory/company to provide information on sexual and reproductive health issues to workers. Topics covered include counselling and information on family planning and modern contraceptive methods, information on the prevention and management of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and HIV, as well as detailed information on the pregnancy and post-natal period. The training can also cover topics related to the prevention and response to harassment and gender-based violence. SRH training programmes have been demonstrated to positively impact employees’ productivity and the reduction in staff turnover.

Programme icon
Subsidised Sexual Reproductive Health Products & Services
CATEGORY Sexual and Reproductive Health

Through this programme, health partners like civil society or non-governmental organisations are contracted by the factory/company to regularly visit the workplace, provide training sessions on SRH issues to employees, and also offer on-site service provision for certain SRH services or products, like providing contraceptive methods or offering some essential SRH check-ups to employees. Partnering with teams offering Mobile Health clinics in the company/factory on a regular basis has been found to have a positive effect on employees’ productivity, who will have the opportunity to access certain SRH services without taking time off work.

Programme icon
Peer Outreach
CATEGORY Sexual and Reproductive Health

Thanks to this programme, a selected number of employees in the factory/company is chosen to be trained by a partner organization as “Peer Educators” on SRH information and services. The chosen employees will receive training on disseminating information on essential SRH information and how to access services, and they will work as peer educators in the company/factory to disseminate this crucial information to other fellow employees. They will act as catalysts to ensure critical SRH knowledge and information is disseminated among employees, with a demonstrated effect on improved workers productivity and reduced absenteeism and staff turnover rates in the workplace.

Programme icon
Factory Clinic
CATEGORY Health Clinic

This programme includes the set-up of a factory/company clinic, staffed with a nurse or midwife, where provision of essential SRH and First Aid health services can be carried out. Most factories and companies are already equipped with a first aid space: as part of this programme, a range of essential SRH health services is also offered to workers directly in the workplace. These can include counselling and family planning provision, antenatal or postnatal check-ups, consultations on other SRH issues and provision of information on how to access more specialised health services in hospitals or clinics outside the factory. Offering Factory Clinics that provide essential SRH services has a positive effect on workers’ productivity and triggers reductions in absenteeism and staff turnover rates.

Programme icon
Free Iron Tablets

With this programme, women employees are encouraged to get tested for anaemia in the factory/company, followed by the provision of free iron tablets for those considered anaemic in the factory or company (for example, through the first aid posts and medical officers on site). The prevalence of anaemia amongst women of reproductive age is a serious public health concern, with very high rates of prevalence identified in the general female population and in pregnant women in particular. Suffering from anaemia has serious effects on women’s health and strength, and therefore this programme can positively impact the productivity of those workers receiving treatment for this condition.

Programme icon
Life Skills Training
CATEGORY Life Skills Training

In a similar fashion to the programme on SRH training, this programme focuses on the organisation of a training for employees in the factory/company, particularly for women employees but accessible to all, where information on a broad range of life skills topics is provided. Topics covered can include general health and well-being sessions, nutrition sessions, some information on SRH health issues and access to services, as well as information on gender issues and safety and occupational health in the workplace. It has been demonstrated that providing this training to employees has positive returns on business metrics - productivity increase, and reduction in absenteeism and staff turnover.

How Were These Programmes Selected?

The programmes that were included into our ROI Tool have been carefully selected based on the latest academic and business evidence available on their effects on employees’s health and business productivity. The choice of programmes was refined using the results of a systematic academic review of over 100 academic articles and business papers, which focused on the relation between the provision of a number of women’s health and wellbeing programmes in the workplace and the impact on the return on investment as the outcome variable, and its corollary variables like absenteeism, staff turnover and productivity.

You can review the summary table below detailing the key results from the systematic review for each of the programmes included in the ROI Tool.

Targeted Population
% Increase in Productivity
% Reduction in Absenteeism
% Reduction in Staff Turnover
SRH Training
All workers, mainly women
24.0% - 25.0%
Peer Outreach
All workers, mainly women
Life Skills Training
All workers, mainly women
Sanitary Pads
Women in reproductive age (18-53)
Free Iron Tablets
Anaemic women
Subsidised SRH Products & Services
All workers, mainly women
Setup Factory Clinic
All workers, mainly women
*Entries with a range (i.e. X-Y) depict the lower limit (X) and upper limit (Y) respectively that is estimated for that variable.* Late coming. ** Attendance.
An Overview of the ROI Tool

This ROI Tool Guide will walk you through the different steps involved in using the ROI Tool, the different types of input data required from users, and will provide an explanation on how to interpret the outcomes and results of your ROI Tool projections.

What is a Projection?

In ROI-T, a projection is a calculated prediction/estimation of the Return on Investment from implementing selected health programmes for your target workforce.You can create multiple projections for different target groups or factories.

How should I name my Projection?

When you start a new projection, you are asked to name it. The main purpose of this is to allow you to easily organise and access your projections in the future.


While there are no rules on the correct way to do this, here are some examples:

Example 1
Organise by Time-Frame
Name Your Projection
2022 - Q2
Who is this for?
Unit 8, Mumbai
Example 2:
Organise by Personnel
Name Your Projection
Rachel Shaw
Who is this for?
Operators, MNB Division
Example 3:
Organise by Personnel
Name Your Projection
Rachel Shaw
Who is this for?
Operators, MNB Division
What do all the data fields and input sections mean?

The ROI Tool will ask you to fill in certain data fields to calculate the estimated ROI and other impacts for your selected programmes.

Overview of data inputs
There are 3 types of data fields in the ROI Tool:
1. Default values*

These are data that are pre-populated in the ROI Tool, and that users can override with different values only in some cases

2. Calculated values

These values are a result of the calculations made by the ROI Tool and cannot be changed by the user, as those fields are results of formulas and calculations

3. Data entry required fields

The user needs to input their specific values into these fields

*For Default Values: These data are based on the results of the systematic literature review of research papers and international research, and therefore cannot be overridden by users of the Tool. The only default values that can be changed by the users are those related to the budget estimates to implement programmes, if users have different estimates of the cost-heads for programmes implementation.

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