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Invitation for Proposals- Scope of Work on EmONC GIS Mapping and Capacity Building

Invitation for Proposals- Scope of Work on EmONC GIS Mapping and Capacity Building


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In line with the programme of work and objectives illustrated above, UNFPA APRO is calling for Technical Partners to support the implementation of the geospatial component of the EmONC strengthening work, to support the mapping of EmONC facilities, estimation of travel times for population sto these facilities and facilitate the rationalisation and prioritisation of the EmONC network in selected countries of the region. Under this broader area of work, the specific objectives for the scope of activities proposed in this call for proposals for UNFPA APRO is to support UNFPA to disseminate relevant technical knowledge and increase regional technical capacity for countries in the APRO region to understand the requirements for the geospatial analysis as it relates to EmONC, plan for the implementation of this component at national and subnational level, and plan for the use of geospatial data and technologies in the long term to assist health service design and system strengthening. Expected scope of Activities:

● Conduct a preliminary assessment of the current level of technical capacities and expertise in geospatial work of MNH programmes for selected countries interested in using geospatial data and technologies during the EmONC network mapping and prioritisation processes, and assess their level of geo-enablement of the HIS in general to map data and capacity gaps;

● Organize and implement a regional capacity building programme targeted at UNFPA country focal points and their MOH counterparts, to inform the technical teams of the concepts, process, needs behind the geographic accessibility and health network mapping component of the EmONC prioritization exercise. This would include introducing the teams to the type of skills, data and capacities required to successfully implement geospatial analyses of the EmONC network, as well as to the relevant tools and methodologies required to implement GIS mapping of EmONC networks, in line with UNFPA-recommended methodologies. The regional capacity building should also aim to discuss options for longer term sustainability through the geo-enablement of the Health Information System;

● Collaborate with UNFPA teams as required to support country-level work in countries which might begin implementation of geospatial analyses and data collection.


7 MAy 2024 - Clarifications updated.