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Seventh Asian and Pacific Population Conference


Simmaly and Amina during the International Day of the Midwife event in 2022.

A mother-daughter midwife team saving mothers and babies in Lao PDR

To meet the National goal of placing midwives in each health center by 2030, there is a need to upgrade 1,200 midwives to Higher Diploma level and a further 1,500 midwives need to be deployed to…

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Mursal, 17, would normally be in the 12th grade. She dreams of becoming a doctor, but her education has been indefinitely postpo

“Giving up is not an option”: Hope for Afghans forced out of school

Mursal knows that early marriage often results in early pregnancy, unleashing a cascade of negative consequences for both girls and their families.

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Lily Iawantak and her partner Kasi share a laugh at their village home on Tanna Island, Vanuatu.

An athlete and advocate: Family planning empowered Lily to empower other women in Vanuatu

For Lily, having access to quality sexual and reproductive health information and services, helped her to decide the size of her family.

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© UNFPA Bangladesh/Samantha Reinders

Empowering Girls in Bangladesh: Marija's Journey Towards Gender Equality and Safety

We must remember the importance of supporting girls like Marjia, who are driving forces for change in the pursuit of gender equality and a brighter future for all.

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© UNFPA Nepal/Luis Tato

It is good to talk!

For the couples, they have learnt how to communicate better and manage internal conflicts and other challenging situations that often come up in relationships.

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