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Fact Sheet

Snapshot: Women Who Experience Intimate Partner Violence, Asia-Pacific, 2000-2023

This one-page snapshot details the data related to intimate partner violence in countries in UNFPA's Asia Pacific region. 

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UNFPA Cash and Voucher Assistance in Asia and the Pacific 2023

Putting choice in the hands of women and girls: scaling up and consolidating safe high-quality cash and voucher assistance The global volume of humanitarian Cash and Voucher Ass...

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Conducting a national study on the prevalence of violence against women: Lessons learned from Mongolia

This document aims to help other program and project coordinators and researchers undertaking violence against women prevalence surveys to anticipate and address some of the challe...

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Summary Report: Expert Group Meeting on Population Ageing and Low Fertility (11-12 July 2023)

The document aims to summarize key conclusions, decisions and recommendations emanating from the Expert group meeting on Population Ageing and Low Fertility held on 11-12 July, 202...

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Fact Sheet

Violence Against Women - Regional Snapshot (2023) - kNOwVAWdata

This 2023 snapshot is the seventh annual edition of this publication. The data reflect the most recent data collected with either the WHO methodology, the DHS-DV (domestic viol...

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Understanding pathways to adolescent pregnancy in Southeast Asia

This report brings attention to the specific context, dynamics and influences that contribute to adolescent pregnancy in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Lao PDR. The four in-dept...

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The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Asia and the Pacific Regional Office is committed to making sure that all efforts to address gender-based violence (GBV) are inclusive of...

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Using Cash and Voucher Assistance to improve Menstrual Health and Hygiene in Bangladesh

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and its partners are implementing a Menstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH) project for women and girls in two urban slums of Dhaka using Cash...

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The climate crisis and upholding the rights of women and girls in Bangladesh

  As the climate crisis intensifies across Asia, the Pacific, and the world, UNFPA together with the Australian Government, is calling for increased investments in upholdin...

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