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Selected case studies of national population ageing policy interventions in the Asia-Pacific region

Selected case studies of national population ageing policy interventions in the Asia-Pacific region
Selected case studies of national population ageing policy interventions in the Asia-Pacific region


UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Office

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UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Office


Selected case studies of national population ageing policy interventions in the Asia-Pacific region

Publication date

01 November 2022

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Some of the world’s most rapidly ageing populations are in the Asia-Pacific region.

Population ageing has significant social, economic, and political implications. Yet, many countries are unprepared for how ageing will affect society, not only in terms of changes in health and social care expenditure, and changing work patterns, but also more broadly in terms of how they can successfully respond to the diverse needs of rising numbers of older people and fulfill their rights.

The UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Office (APRO) in partnership with HelpAge International undertook a collaborative research project to identify and explore population ageing policy interventions that offer insights into potential good practice to support implementation and adaptation of ageing policies across the Asia-Pacific region. 

Following the research, a series of case studies on National Population Ageing Policies Interventions were released aimed to enable governments to learn from and improve their existing ageing policies and to further efforts on successful ageing strategies across the region.


Malaysia                               Maldives                             Sri Lanka                               Vietnam


                                            Iran                                     India                                 Indonesia                                        



Acknowledgment: This Introductory Overview and the country case studies were developed by Emeritus Professor Lakshman Dissanayake (University of Colombo, Sri Lanka), in collaboration with HelpAge and UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Office, which also provided funding support. HelpAge International is a global network of organisations promoting the right of all older people to lead dignified, healthy, and secure lives.