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About this information

This information is about health care for people with disabilities to do with their bodies, sex, relationships and having children.

For example, the health care might help people to give birth or have safer sex and relationships.

This information is about making sure that people with disabilities can get this health care during COVID-19.

And when other big problems happen in the world.

People with disabilities have a right to get this healthcare like everyone else.

But they are often left out. 

And COVID-19 has made things worse.

This information is about what countries and organizations should do now for people with disabilities.

We found out what many people with disabilities thought first.

People in this document means women and girls, men, and boys with disabilities. 

It also means people with disabilities who are not the gender that people said they were when they were born.

For example, someone may be told they are a boy because of how their body looks.

But that is not who they really are. They might be a girl. Or they might not be a boy or girl.