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#ForEveryAge of her life

#ForEveryAge of her life



Asia-Pacific is one of the most rapidly ageing regions in the world.

By 2050, one in four people will be above the age of 60, most of whom will be women. 

While there is no single comprehensive policy to address population ageing and low fertility, there is an urgent need for countries to adapt a life-cycle approach with gender equality at its core. It is by investing in each stage of life, starting from before a girl's birth to her childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, that women - and their communities and countries - will be able to enjoy healthy and active ageing. 

This is the rationale behind UNFPA’s regional advocacy campaign 'For Every Age' - underscoring the need for rights-based life-cycle policies to transform perceived demographic challenges into opportunities for all.


This collection of material including technical guidelines, publications, feature stories and videos, provides a snapshot of our work across Asia-Pacific supporting countries to adopt a life-cycle approach to prepare for a future where every age is celebrated and no one is left behind.


Taking a life-cycle approach to ageing in Asia-Pacific

VIDEO: Investing in every stage of a person's life, from childbirth to childhood to adolescence to adulthood, determines the life path towards healthy and active ageing.

National Transfer Accounts (NTA) are a tool to generate a national economic analysis concerning population change. Watch to find out more about how the NTA analysis can be used by policy planners.



As the world turns 8 billion strong, we focus on the people that make up the numbers. We look into the life of 66-year-old 'Granfluencer', Eriko Yagi, In this story, she shares her zeal for fashion with her followers. READ MORE

In Iran, we delivered 1,000 oxygen concentrators to the State Welfare Organization for the benefit of the elderly, through a partnership with UNICEF and the EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian AID Operations (ECHO).


In Indonesia and Viet Nam, with contributions of over USD 2.8 million to each country from the Government of Japan, we are working to ensure continued care and services for older persons during the pandemic, among other vulnerable populations.

READ MORE:  Viet Nam

In Thailand, we released a pioneering report on COVID-19 and older persons based on a UNFPA-supported survey conducted by Chulalongkorn University. The report served to inform decision-makers on the needs of older persons’ during the COVID-19 lockdown period.


Partnerships and innovation for increased impact

Indonesia: When an earthquake and subsequent tsunami devastated Central Sulawesi in September 2018, Dewi Rana was on the frontlines, responding to the aftermath. Working with vulnerable groups such as new mothers, she soon found that older people were also at risk. The innovations for the elderly that Dewi helped lead are now being woven into the region’s COVID-19 response. READ MORE

Nepal: A year after Krishna’s mother passed away in 2003, his father began to age rapidly - becoming forgetful, mixing words up, and losing the ability to carry out basic daily activities. It was only when Krishna took him to the hospital that he heard the words ‘incurable dementia’ for the first time. Shocked by the total lack of awareness in society around dementia and other issues related to ageing, Krishna founded the non-governmental organization, Ageing Nepal. READ MORE

Viet Nam: Engaging young people to help address the needs of older persons in Viet Nam, UNFPA, together with the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, established a student start-up innovation competition. Students from some 2,000 vocational education and training institutions across the country are sharing digital transformation ideas to provide continued,  dedicated and uninterrupted care and social security for older people and persons with disabilities during the pandemic. READ MORE

In increasing awareness of the needs of older persons during the COVID-19 pandemic, UNFPA Viet Nam also developed a series of informational videos. The videos were developed in partnership with the Ministry of Health, HelpAge International, and the Viet Nam Association of the Elderly.


Survey Report; Innovative practices for care of elderly women in India- Stree Shakti (2016)

Survey Report; Older Women in India: Economic, Social and Health Concerns (2015) 

Survey Report; Social Security for the Elderly in India (2015)

Working Paper; Good Care Leads to Healthy Life: A Study of Differential in the Care and Support and its Impact on Wellbeing of Elderly - Series II (2014)

Working Paper; Household context, social capital and wellbeing of older adults in India-Series II (2014) 


Report; Indonesia on the Threshold of Population Ageing (2015)


Report; Ageing Report (2017)


Policy Brief; UNFPA & University Putra Malaysia: Social Protection for the Elderly and Unpaid Care Work 


Report; Future of Work in Maldives through National Transfer Accounts (2020)


National Action Plan; Unofficial English translation of National Action Plan for Senior Citizens (2005)

Policy; Senior Citizen's Act (2006)

Policy; Senior Citizen's Guidelines (2008) 

Pacific Islands

Report; Population Ageing in the Pacific Islands: A Situational Analysis (2014)

Sri Lanka

Report, Population Dynamics and the Economic Life-cycle: An analysis of National Transfer Accounts for Sri Lanka (2022)

Policy Dialogue; Feminization of Ageing (2019) 

Policy Dialogue; Making Active Ageing a Reality (2018) 

Policy Dialogue; Population Ageing and its Policy Implications (2017)

Census Report; Ageing population in Sri Lanka: Emerging issues, needs and policy implications (2017)

Policy Brief; Features, Challenges and Opportunities of Population Ageing: Sri Lankan Perspective (2016) 


Report; The State of Thailand’s Population 2015: Thai Families in the Era of Low Fertility and Longevity (2015) 

Infographic; Infographics summarizing the State of Thailand’s Population Report 2015 (2017)

Report; Impact of Demographic Change in Thailand (2011) 

Viet Nam

Census Report; Population Ageing and Older Persons in Viet Nam (2021) 

Working Paper; Disabilities among Older Persons and Care Needs of Older Persons Living with Disabilities (2019) 


Download campaign assets

Advocating for a rights-based life-cycle approach to address population ageing across Asia-Pacific requires a collective effort from multiple stakeholders, including partners, civil society, and individuals.

Download the #ForEveryAge campaign social media cards, key messages, and other assets here




The regional advocacy campaign ‘For Every Age’ delivered by the UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Office, together with partners, aims to raise awareness on the rights-based life-cycle approach towards population ageing across Asia-Pacific. The campaign is underpinned by the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population Development (ICPD) and aims to encourage all countries within the region to actively adopt national policies and systems that enhance the livelihoods of older women and men, through investments throughout their life-cycle.