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Highlights of the State of World Population report 2024

Highlights of the State of World Population report 2024

This is a brochure which captures key highlights coming out UNFPA's 2024 State of World Population report.

see publication
UNFPA report: Are the most marginalized left behind or pushed behind?

UNFPA report: Are the most marginalized left behind or pushed behind?

Sweeping global gains in sexual and reproductive health and rights over the last thirty years are marred by an ugly truth – millions of women and girls have not benefited because of who they are or where they were born, according to the 2024 State of World Population report by UNFPA, the UN sexual and reproductive health agency.

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State of World Population report 2024

State of World Population report 2024

Thirty years ago, governments around the world agreed that reproductive health and rights are foundation stones of global development – a groundbreaking consensus that paved the way for decades of progress. Since then, the world has seen great progress. Yet that progress has not been fast enough, nor far-reaching enough.

see publication
Statement by the UNFPA Regional Director on the Launch of the State of World Population Report 2024 in Asia and the Pacific

Statement by the UNFPA Regional Director on the Launch of the State of World Population Report 2024 in Asia and the Pacific

We invite you, dear friends from the media, to take this message forward – help to hold countries accountable for the promise made thirty years ago to place people’s sexual and reproductive health and choices at the center of population policies. We have made incredible progress by working together, and we must continue to advance towards a world of rights and choices for all – by pushing forward those left behind. Global solidarity is key. No exceptions. No exclusions.

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