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Health Sector Response to Gender-based Violence

Health Sector Response to Gender-based Violence


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Health Sector Response to Gender-based Violence

Publication date

01 January 2010

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Several UNFPA country offices in Asia and the Pacific have ongoing efforts designed to strengthen the capacities of health sectors to respond efficaciously to gender-based violence (GBV). While these initiatives present varying models, they have created a body of knowledge and experience that would benefit from regional assessment and sharing. Accounts of “lessons learned” can indeed provide data, and analyses of great value to countries that are planning on up-scaling successful interventions or providing technical assistance to governments for developing new health sector interventions on GBV.
As part of the Regional Programme on Gender, UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office (APRO) commissioned an assessment and review of existing approaches to and models of health sector responses to GBV in the region. This twin publication is the outcome of this assessment, and includes a main publication largely devoted to the assessment report and a supplementary publication comprised of seven case studies.