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Introduction to Disability Data Advocacy Workshop for Organisations of Persons with Disabilities

Drawing in part on the Disability Data Advocacy Toolkit, workshop materials have been developed to support discussion and reflection on disability data advocacy in the local contex...

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Facilitator package

This manual supports facilitators to prepare for and deliver an online workshop on Disability Data Advocacy for Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs). It is part of a p...

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Participants package

This document is a guide for host Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) to convene and organise the Disability Data Advocacy Workshop. It supplements the full package o...

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Guidance on the Safe and Ethical Use of Technology to Address Gender-based Violence and Harmful Practices: Implementation Summary

This resource is the short version of forthcoming guidance that will be fully comprehensive and refer to work at the intersection of gender-based violence (GBV) and harmful practic...

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State obligations regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender-based violence response during the COVID-19 pandemic

Women and girls in the Asia-Pacific region have been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic response, particularly with regard to their sexual and reproductive health...

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Easy Read: Gender Disability Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Checklist during Covid-19

COVID-19 is a new illness that many people in the world are getting

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Measuring Technology Facilitated gender-based Violence

Technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TF GBV) is an act of violence perpetrated by one or more individuals that is committed, assisted, aggravated and amplified in par...

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Cash and Voucher Assistance UNFPA Donor Brief Asia Pacific region 2022

UNFPA’s CVA programming and coordination in the Asia Pacific region Globally and in the Asia Pacific region, UNFPA recognizes the benefits that CVA can bring to the people...

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Maldives: Policy-in-practice case study

The UNFPA Asia-Pacific Regional Office (APRO) in partnership with HelpAge International undertook a collaborative research project to identify and explore population agei...

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